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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Online Book Club ~ Modern Literature Series for Middle School
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Part One: The Move
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: New Jersey
Rabbit Trail: Judaism
Rabbit Trail: The Lincoln Center
Part Two: Grandma
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: Stitches
Rabbit Trail: New York City
Rabbit Trail: Taxis
Rabbit Trail: YMCA and JCC
Magic Dust: Knitting
Part Three: Mr. Benedict
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: Bras
Rabbit Trail: Rosh Hashanah
Rabbit Trail: Rabbi
Part Four: School Dance
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: Presbyterian
Rabbit Trail: Dungaree
Rabbit Trail: Puberty
Magic Dust: Square Dance
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Rabbit Trail: Presbyterian
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