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Backyard Fairies Online Book Club ~ A Nature Book Club
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Backyard Fairies
Reading and Vocabulary
Copywork and Dictation
Fairies, Toadstools and Snails
Rabbit Trail: Fairies
Rabbit Trail: Toadstools
Rabbit Trail: Snails
Magic Dust: Draw a Fairy
Go Outside on an Adventure: Spring Day
Flying Creatures, Moss and More Mushrooms
Rabbit Trail: Fluttering and Flying Creatures
Rabbit Trail: Tree Mushrooms
Rabbit Trail: Moss
Magic Dust: Build a Caterpillar Habitat
Go Outside on an Adventure: Summer Day
Nesting Animals
Rabbit Trail: Nesting birds
Rabbit Trail: Other nesting creatures
Magic Dust: Build a Nest
Go Outside on an Adventure: Autumn Day
Nighttime Nature
Rabbit Trail: Owls
Rabbit Trail: Fireflies
Magic Dust: Make a Flower Wreath
Go Outside on an Adventure: Winter Day
Party School!!!
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