Rabbit Trail: Drudges

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

Maja and Tiber are both Drudges, which means they are treated unfairly just because of the family they were born into. They don’t have the same rights or opportunities as others, even if they work just as hard.

Meanwhile, people like Emperor Skardin and the Shadow Knights hold power over them simply because of their position in society. This idea—that some people are given more advantages than others based on where they come from—is called a social class system.

Let’s watch a video where students take part in an activity that shows how unfair advantages can exist in everyday life.

But what about in society today? Many people think social classes only existed in the past, in times of kings, castles, and knights. But class systems are still part of the world we live in. They aren’t always as simple as rich or poor—education, opportunities, and even where you live can affect what class people see you in.

If you could change the rules of social classes, what would you do? Would you make sure everyone had the same chances, or would you keep some differences?

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