Literary Elements

Estimated Time: 5 minutes

Let's review the Literary Terms we learned today.


Imagery is when a writer uses words to create pictures in the reader's mind. These pictures can be about things you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel. Good imagery helps the reader imagine they are right there in the story, seeing and experiencing everything.

Examples of Imagery:

  • See: "When he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again"
  • Hear: "At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more"


Symbolism is when something in a story stands for or represents something else. It can be an object, a color, a person, or even an event that has a deeper meaning.

Examples of Symbolism:

  • Aslan: Symbolizes hope, goodness, leadership
  • Winter: Symbolizes the reign of evil, cold, despair
  • Spring: Symbolizes renewal, warmth, return of life

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