Rabbit Trail: King Christian and the Monarchy

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Did King Christian really ride through the streets on horseback? Read this article and find out.

Christian X | king of Denmark

Christian X: Christian X, king of Denmark (1912-47) who symbolized the nation's resistance to the German occupation during World War II. The eldest son of the future King Frederick VIII and Louise of Sweden and Norway, Christian became chief of the royal guard in 1898 and married Alexandrine of

The current monarchy of Denmark is led by Frederik André Henrik Christian. You can read about him and the rest of the royal family below.

H.M. Kongen

Frederik André Henrik Christian, Hans Majestæt Kongen, greve af Monpezat, blev Danmarks Konge den 14. januar 2024. H.M. Kongen er født den 26. maj 1968 som søn af H.M. Dronning Margrethe...

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