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The Snowy Day Online Book Club ~ A Nature Book Club
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The Snowy Day
Reading and Vocabulary
Copywork and Dictation
Rabbit Trail: Why does it snow?
Rabbit Trail: A Snowflake is Born
Rabbit Trail: Snowflakes Forming
Rabbit Trail: Scientific Snow
Magic Dust: Snowflake Drawing
Go Outside on an Adventure: On a Snowy Day
Animal Tracks
Rabbit Trail: Tracking in the Snow
Rabbit Trail: Animals Tracks
Rabbit Trail: More Snowy Trails
Magic Dust: People Tracks
Go Outside on an Adventure: On a Snowy or Muddy Day
Winter Trees and Animals
Rabbit Trail: Animal Migration
Rabbit Trail: Hibernation
Rabbit Trail: Animal Adaptations
Rabbit Trail: Winter Trees
Magic Dust: Paint a Winter Landscape
Go Outside on an Adventure: On a Winter Day
Snowy Sports (Things to Do in Snow)
Rabbit Trail: Snowy Sports
Rabbit Trail: Sledding
Rabbit Trail: Snowboarding
Rabbit Trail: Cross-Country Skiing
Magic Dust: Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
Party School!!!
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