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The Tale of Peter Rabbit Online Nature Book Club ~ British Literature Series for Elementary
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The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Reading and Vocabulary
Copywork & Dictation
Peter Rabbit
Rabbit Trail: Rabbit Learning
Rabbit Trail: Bugs Bunny
Rabbit Trail: Baby Bunnies
Magic Dust: Draw a Bunny
Go Outside on an Adventure: On a Spring Day
Mr. McGregor's Garden
Rabbit Trail: What's a garden?
Rabbit Trail: Herb Gardens
Rabbit Trail: Vegetable Gardens
Magic Dust: Soil Experiment
Go Outside on an Adventure: On a Summer Day
What's in the Garden?
Rabbit Trail: Seeds
Rabbit Trail: What a Garden Needs
Rabbit Trail: Vegetables and Fruits
Rabbit Trail: Scarecrow
Magic Dust: Peter's Mixed Up Garden
Go Outside on an Adventure: On a Fall Day
Home Sweet Home
Rabbit Trail: Burrows
Rabbit Trail: Chamomile
Magic Dust: Bake Currant Buns
Go Outside on an Adventure: On a Winter Day
Party School!!!
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Rabbit Trail: Herb Gardens
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