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The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush Online Book Club ~ A Nature Book Club
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The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush
Reading and Vocabulary
Copywork and Dictation
Indian Paintbrush
Rabbit Trail: The State Flower of Wyoming
Rabbit Trail: Eating an Indian Paintbrush
Magic Dust: Paint with an Indian Paintbrush
Go Outside on an Adventure: Spring Day
Native Americans
Rabbit Trail: Plant Legends
Rabbit Trail: Native American Painting
Magic Dust: Make Paint from Berries
Go Outside on an Adventure: Summer Day
Prairie Wildlife
Rabbit Trail: Prairies
Rabbit Trail: Prairie Wildflowers
Rabbit Trail: Prairie Animals
Magic Dust: Create a Wildflower Bookmark
Go Outside on an Adventure: Autumn Day
Rabbit Trail: What is a Sunset?
Rabbit Trail: Why is the Sunset Red?
Magic Dust: Make a Sunset
Go Outside on an Adventure: Sunset
Party School!!!
Want more online book clubs for elementary and middle school?
Literary Adventures Clubhouse
Rabbit Trail: What is a Sunset?
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