Vocabulary, Spelling and Grammar
Estimated Time: 1 hour
As you are reading, look for these vocabulary words.
Chapter 1
- assuaged
- dictum
- chattles
- taciturn
- predilection
- flivver
- nebulous
Chapter 2
- indigenous
- illicitly
- covey
- entailment
Chapter 3
- dispensation
- contemptuous
- contentious
- fractious
- disapprobation
Chapter 4
- auspicious
Chapter 5
- benign
- tacit
- placidly
- asinine
Chapter 6-7: none
Vocabulary Flashcards and Quiz
Practice your vocabulary words using the [Flashcards], [Learn], and [Match] options below from Quizlet. You can choose a different study mode by clicking the drop-down menu in the lower right of the box below. Save the [Test] section for later.
Practice spelling the vocabulary words using Quizlet.
This month you will be learning about adverbs and adjectives and their proper use.
This week you will be focusing on adverbs. Watch the following video to help you.
You will use the above information to correct passages in the Show What You Know section.