Project Resources
You will need the following supplies for projects listed throughout the course. You do not have to complete each project. Choose those you think would be interesting.
Project 1, Map the Yard
- Nature Journal or Sketchpad
- Colored Pencils
Project 2, Backyard Games
- Choose a game and its supplies
Project 3, Bug Hunt
- Bug Hunt (student workbook page)
- Pencil
- Magnifying Glass
Project 4, Build a Bug Hotel
- Wooden Box
- Cardboard Rolls (Toilet Paper Rolls or Paper Towel Rolls will work)
- Twigs, Pinecones, Dried Leaves, or Shredded Paper
Project 5, Paper Ladybug
- Two Paper Plates
- Red and Black Paint
- Paintbrush
- Black Construction Paper
- Black Chenille Wire
- Two Googly Eyes
- Paper Fastener Brad
- Scissors
- Glue
Project 6, Build a Ladybug
- Red Playdough
- Black Beads
- Black Chenille Wire (cut into 3-inch pieces)
- Ladybug Parts (student workbook pages)
- Scissors
- Glue
Project 7, Playdough Ladybug Stages
- White, Yellow, Red, and Black Playdough
- Ladybug Life Cycle (student workbook pages)
Project 8, Build a Butterfly
- Colored Construction Paper
- Any color paint you prefer
- Eye dropper
- Black Chenille Wire (cut into 3-inch pieces)
- Butterfly Outline (student workbook pages)
- Scissors
- Glue
Project 9, Become a Butterfly
- Butterfly Life Cycle (student workbook pages)
- Scissors
Project 10, Butterfly Food
- Different Juices
- Straws
- Small Cups
Project 11, What Day Is It?
- Markers
- Paper Plates
Project 12, Build a Bee
- Paper Plate
- Yellow paint or markers
- Black paint or markers
- Black construction paper
- Googly eyes
- Eye dropper
- Black Chenille Wire (cut into 3-inch pieces)
- White card stock
- Scissors
- Glue
Project 13, Modeling Bee Stages
- White, Yellow, and Black Playdough
- Bee Life Cycle Cards (student workbook pages)
Project 14, Mason Bee Habitat
- Empty, Clean Can
- Bamboo pieces (length of can and enough to fit tightly inside)
- Yellow and Black Craft Paint
- Paintbrush
- String
- Hammer and Nail
Project 15, Nectar Race
- Jar Decorated as a Flower or with a Flower in it
- Water
- Yellow Food Coloring
- Eye Dropper
- Ice Cube Tray
Project 16, Molting
- White School Glue
Project 17, Nightime Listening
- Nature journal
- Flashlight
- Pencils
Project 18, Ant Food
- Variety of Foods
- Ice Cube Tray
- Foods you think an ant might eat
Project 19, Bird Feeder
- Ice Cream Cone
- Peanut Butter
- Bird Seed
- Knife
- Chenille Wire
Project 20, Use Your Beak
- Beaks: Chopsticks, Straws, Pliers, Tweezers, Scissors, Spoon
- Food: Marshmallows, Nectar (colored water), Pistachios, M&Ms, Gummy Worms, Gumballs
Project 21, Bark & Leaf Rubbing
- Paper
- Crayon or Pencil
Project 22, Tree Art
- Watercolor or Acrylic Paints
- Nature Journal or Artist's Journal
Project 23, Leaf Experiment
- Glass bowl
- Lukewarm water
- Fresh leaf from a tree.
- Magnifying Glass
Project 24, Thirsty Flowers
- White Gerber Daisy
- Food Coloring
- Jar or Vase
- Water
Project 25, Worm Farm
- Worms
- Empty Two-Liter Bottle
- Knife
- Dirt
- Small Shovel
- Sand
- Grass Clippings
- Kitchen Compost
Project 26, Snail Art
- Onion
- Paint (any colors)
- Paper
- Markers
Project 27, Making Tracks
- Plywood
- Lettuce
- Bird Seed
- Peanut Butter