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Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms Online Book Club ~ A Nature Book Club
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Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms
Reading and Vocabulary
Copywork and Dictation
Foxes and Snow
Rabbit Trail: Fox Facts
Rabbit Trail: How does the Fox go?
Rabbit Trail: When's the last snow?
Magic Dust: Leaf Fox
Go Outside on an Adventure: Spring Day
Butterflies and Birds
Rabbit Trail: Butterflies
Magic Dust: Paint a Painted Lady
Rabbit Trail: Bluebirds
Magic Dust: Bird Feeder
Go Outside on an Adventure: Summer Day
Porcupines and Squirrels
Rabbit Trail: Porcupines
Rabbit Trail: Squirrels
Magic Dust: Watercolor Squirrel
Go Outside on an Adventure: Autumn Day
Rabbits and Wildflowers
Rabbit Trail: Rabbits
Rabbit Trail: Wildflowers
Magic Dust: Wildflower Press
Go Outside on an Adventure: Winter Day
Party School!!!
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