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Love That Dog Online Book Club ~ Modern Literature Series
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Part One: Jack
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: What is Poetry?
Waxing Poetic - The Red Wheelbarrow
Waxing Poetic - Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
Magic Dust: Follow The Pattern
Part Two: Autumn
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: R.A.P
Waxing Poetic - The Tyger
Waxing Poetic - dog
Magic Dust: Draw the dog
Part Three: Winter
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: Poetry vs. Prose
Rabbit Trail: What Makes A Poem A Poem?
Waxing Poetic - The Pasture
Magic Dust: Translations
Part Four: The Yellow Dog
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: Onomatopoeia
Waxing Poetic: Street Music
Rabbit Trail: Concrete Poems
Waxing Poetic: The Apple
Magic Dust: Shaping a Poem
Part Five: Love That Boy
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: Similes
Waxing Poetic: Love That Boy
Magic Dust: Tape it to The Wall
Part Six: Spring
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: Letter Writing
Magic Dust: Write a Letter-Poem
Part Seven: Sky
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: Poetry Feels
Rabbit Trail: Poetry Slam
Magic Dust: Brownies
Part Eight: Mr. Walter Dean Myers
Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar for this Lesson
Rabbit Trail: Personification and Anthropomorphism
Rabbit Trail: Walter Dean Myers
Writing Project
Party School!!!
Bonus: The Author
Sharon Creech
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Waxing Poetic - The Tyger
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