Questions to Ponder

Estimated Time: 1 hour

Think about and discuss these questions from your reading:

  1. Aadam Aziz leaves home to become a doctor and when he comes back he sees things "through travelled eyes." What does the author mean? Have you ever experienced this?
  2. Describe Tai, including his relationship with Aadam before he left and after he returned.
  3. The author calls Naseem a "partitioned woman" in chapter Mercurochrome. What does this mean? How is this related to the overall story?
  4. Why were Aadam and Naseem mismatched?
  5. "Sometimes legends make reality, and become more useful than the facts." What does this mean? Is it true?
  6. Why did Mary switch the babies? What is the deeper meaning to the story?
  7. Who is the narrator of the story? Why does he choose to bounce around from past to present in telling this story?
  8. Right before he is born the author describes many things as saffron and green. Why?


After you have pondered and discussed these questions with your teacher, choose one to complete a freewrite. If you are unfamiliar with freewriting, here are a few tips:

  • Keep your pencil moving. Don’t stop. Just brain dump onto your paper.
  • Have a set amount of time. Set a timer and write for the full amount of time.
  • Ignore all grammar and spelling. Don’t let editing slow down the process. The goal is to get thoughts on paper. Spelling and grammar are not important in this instance.
  • Pen and paper aren’t the only ways to freewrite. Feel free to type on the computer. Not only does this accomplish the task, but it builds typing skills.

Share your freewrite in the comments below.

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