Rabbit Trail: Mice

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

Our story is about Ralph, who is a mouse.

Mice are small, furry creatures that can be found in many different parts of the world. 

There are a few types, and they're all pretty interesting!

  • House Mice: These are the ones you might find in your home or in buildings. They have soft fur, and their color can be gray, brown, or even a little bit reddish. House mice are really good at finding food in our houses!
  • Field Mice: These mice like to live in big open fields with tall grass. They have ears that are a little bigger and eyes that are a bit rounder. They're good at hiding in the grass.
  • Woodland Mice: These mice like to live in the woods and forests. They have fur that helps them blend in with leaves and trees. They're great at climbing and jumping.
  • Desert Mice: These special mice can live in hot, sandy deserts. They have special ways to stay cool in the heat. Their fur is often a light color to match the sand.
  • Water Mice: Some mice really like being near water. They live in wetlands, like swamps or marshes. They have strong tails to help them swim.
  • Mountain Mice: These mice are tough! They can live way up high in the mountains where it's very cold. They have thick fur to keep them warm.

We learn about mice by studying them. Watch the video below to see how scientists learn about this furry little creatures.

Do you have mice where you live? Have you seen one in your home?

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