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The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster Online Book Club ~ A Nature Book Club
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The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster
Reading and Vocabulary
Copywork and Dictation
Loch Ness
Rabbit Trail: What is a loch?
Rabbit Trail: Loch Ness
Rabbit Trail: Nessie
Magic Dust: Nessie Art
Go Outside on an Adventure: Lake Visit
Loch Creatures
Rabbit Trail: Merganser Ducks
Rabbit Trail: Otters
Rabbit Trail: Slow Worms
Rabbit Trail: Roe Deer
Magic Dust: Draw Nessie
Go Outside on an Adventure: Your Big Backyard
Migrating Loch Fish
Rabbit Trail: Salmon
Rabbit Trail: Eels
Rabbit Trail: Sturgeon
Magic Dust: Salmon Run!
Go Outside on an Adventure: To an Aquarium
Urquhart Castle
Rabbit Trail: Is Urquhart Castle real?
Rabbit Trail: Scotland
Magic Dust: Build Nessie
Party School!!!
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Rabbit Trail: Scotland
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