Project Supplies
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Nature Journal Resources
We will go on outside adventures during this book club. You will need a nature journal. This can be a nature journal you own, a drawing pad, or a regular notebook.
We recommend our Nature Journal that is designed to help student observe the world around them. You can purchase it in our shop by clicking on the picture below.
Project Resources
You will need the following supplies for projects listed throughout the course. You do not have to complete each project. Choose those you think would be interesting.
Project 1, Nessie Art:
- Printed Wading Dinosaur to color (print on a sturdy paper like white construction paper or card stock)
- Blue, brown and green construction paper
- Scissors
- Glue and/or tape
- Markers or crayons
Project 2, Draw Nessie
- Nessie printable
- Pencils or markers
Project 3, Salmon Run:
- Blue paper streamers
- Flat object like a mat or piece of cardboard
- Jump rope
- Ladder
Project 4, Build Nessie
- a bag of stuffing
- 1.5 yards of Felt for the Body (you can make it with just 1 yard, but it never hurts to get a little more than you need),
- a small sheet of Pink Felt for the patches
- a small sheet of Black felt for the eyes & the mouth
- threads to match
- needle
- help from a parent