Project Supplies
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Resources Needed for the Magic Dust Projects:
You will need the following supplies for projects listed throughout the course. You do not have to complete each project. Choose those you think would be interesting or fun.
Project 1, Picasso Art
- white paper
- black marker
- colored pencils or markers
Project 2, Write a Petition
- Paper (several sheets to make copies of your petition)
- Pens or pencils
- Clipboard (to hold your papers when gathering signatures)
- Markers (to make your title stand out)
- Ruler (to draw lines for signatures)
Project 3, Lemon Battery
- 4 Lemons
- Pennies or pieces of copper wire
- Galvanized nails
- 6 Alligator clips
- LED lightbulb
Project 4, Armadillo Art
- paper
- pencil
- markers