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There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover Online Book Club ~ A Nature Book Club
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There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover
Reading and Vocabulary
Copywork and Dictation
Rabbit Trail: What is clover?
Rabbit Trail: What is a four-leaf clover?
Rabbit Trail: Shamrock
Magic Dust: Build a Sprout House
Go Outside on an Adventure: Clover Hunt
What Did She Swallow?
Rabbit Trail: Daisy
Rabbit Trail: Butterfly
Rabbit Trail: Bird
Magic Dust: Painted Daisies
Go Outside on an Adventure: On a Summer Day
Rabbit Trail: How is gold made?
Rabbit Trail: The Gold Rush
Rabbit Trail: Pot of Gold Legend
Magic Dust: Panning for Gold
Go Outside on an Adventure: To A Stream
St. Patrick's Day
Rabbit Trail: The History of St. Patrick's Day
Magic Dust: Get up and move!
Magic Dust: Draw a Leprechaun
Go Outside on an Adventure: Go on a leprechaun hunt
Party School!!!
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