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Those Darn Squirrels Fly South Book Club ~ A Nature Book Club
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Those Darn Squirrels Fly South
Reading and Vocabulary
Copywork and Dictation
Smelly Lilacs
Rabbit Trail: What is a Lilac?
Rabbit Trail: Smelly Flowers
Magic Dust: Draw a Lilac
Go Outside on an Adventure: Spring Day
Too Bright Fireflies
Rabbit Trail: Fireflies
Magic Dust: Build a Firefly
Go Outside on an Adventure: Summer Day
The Bonga Birds Fly Off
Rabbit Trail: Why do birds fly south for winter?
Magic Dust: Migration
Go Outside on an Adventure: Autumn Day
A Whole Flock of Flying Squirrels
Rabbit Trail: Can squirrels fly?
Magic Dust: Flying Squirrel Painting
Go Outside on an Adventure: Winter Day
Party School!!!
Magic Dust: Food
Magic Dust: Decorations
Magic Dust: Activities
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Go Outside on an Adventure: Autumn Day
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