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Yertle the Turtle Online Book Club ~ A Nature Book Club
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Yertle The Turtle
Reading and Vocabulary
Copywork, Dictation and Grammar
Rabbit Trail: What is a turtle?
Rabbit Trail: Turtle or Tortoise?
Rabbit Trail: Tortoises
Magic Dust: Rock Turtles
Go Outside on an Adventure: Backyard
Turtle Types
Rabbit Trail: Galapagos Tortoise
Rabbit Trail: Gopher Tortoise
Rabbit Trail: Box Turtles
Rabbit Trail: Mojave Desert Tortoises
Rabbit Trail: Snapping Turtles
Magic Dust: Turtle Jigsaw Puzzle
Go Outside on an Adventure: Anywhere
Turtle Habitats
Rabbit Trail: What is a Habitat?
Rabbit Trail: Ponds
Rabbit Trail: Ocean
Rabbit Trail: Desert
Magic Dust: Paint a Pond
Go Outside on an Adventure: Pond
Way Up High
Rabbit Trail: Earth From Space
Go Outside on an Adventure: Hill
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Copywork, Dictation and Grammar
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