What to expect at Poetry Teatime

Start by checking to see what supplies you will need in the Poetry Teatime. If you own the Poetry Teatime ~ Lyrics Edition course, you can find activity sheets in the lesson files. This is not necessary for this live event.

Choose your favorite song lyrics that are the theme of the month. We will start by sharing song lyrics with the class. Students do NOT have to share if you don’t want to. You can listen to the other students share poetry.

Grab your snacks and tea. We love to share what fun snacks we are having and see how they match the month's theme. Again, sharing is optional.

Click on the Zoom link a few minutes before 10:00 am Central on the day of the Poetry Teatime.

This year, we are studying the poetry of song lyrics. Poetry Teatimes last approximately an hour. They are for all ages.

We always start by sharing the poetry we found (in this case, song lyrics) with the class. Then, the instructor will lead the class in instruction about a particular type of poetry, and the students will write that particular type of poetry.

Students are encouraged to share their poetry with the class, but it is not a requirement. Some like to unmute and share, and some like to type their poetry in the chat for the instructor to share. It's up to the student how or when they share.

Have questions? Pop them in the comments, and I'll be happy to answer.

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