What to expect at Book Club
Start by checking to see what supplies you will need in the appropriate book club below. If you own the course, you can find activity sheets in the lesson files. This is not necessary for this live event.
Read the book. This probably doesn't need to be said, but we ARE a book club. We WILL be discussing the book. There WILL be spoilers. So, if you don't read the book, you will be lost and could have the book ruined for you.
Click on the Zoom link a few minutes before 1:00 pm Central on the day of the Book Club. All book clubs are held on the last Thursday of the month unless that conflicts with a holiday.
This year, we are studying Modern Literature. Book clubs last approximately 45 minutes.
We usually start with a game or activity. Ms. Dachelle, the instructor, is usually in costume. You are encouraged to dress up as your favorite character, but that is optional.
Then, we'll talk about the book and share what we liked and what we didn't. We usually dig into some particulars about our story and discuss one or more literary elements.
Next, the instructor leads the class in instruction about a writing activity, and the students start the project in class. In some cases, the project can be completed in class. If it can't be, they are welcome to share it in the comments of the book club or bring it to the next book club.
Have questions? Pop them in the comments, and I'll be happy to answer.