Questions to Ponder
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Questions to Ponder
- The book opens with Coriolanus Snow worried about food and a shirt. Why? How are these related?
- In Chapter 2, Coriolanus is very mindful of not appearing greedy even though he is starving. Why? What does this tell us about him?
- Why would the Capitol put the tributes in the monkey house at the zoo?
- Do any of the students seem to feel a moral dilemma when faced with being a mentor to tributes in the Hunger Games?
- Describe how Coriolanus feels about Lucy and how it is changing.
- At Arachne's funeral, the president says, "Her death was as valiant as any on the battlefield..." Do you agree?
After you have pondered and discussed these questions with your teacher, choose one to complete a freewrite on. If you are unfamiliar with freewriting, here are a few tips:
- Keep your pencil moving. Don’t stop. Just brain dump onto your paper
- Have a set amount of time. Set a timer and write for the full amount of time.
- Ignore all grammar and spelling. Don’t let editing slow down the process. The goal is to get thoughts on paper. Spelling and grammar are not important in this instance.
- Pen and paper aren’t the only ways to freewrite. Feel free to type on the computer. Not only does this accomplish the task, but it builds typing skills.
Share your freewrite in the comments below.