Show What You Know
Estimated Time: 30-40 minutes
Dictate one of the passages you copied in your journal from Read, Write, Learn.
- Be careful to punctuate and capitalize correctly and watch for spelling. If you make any errors, correct them.
If you have never used dictation before:
- Dictation just means the student writes the copywork from memory while the teacher reads it aloud. The student should be familiar enough with the passage to accurately spell, capitalize, and punctuate the passage.
Literary Elements
What literary elements did you find? Here are some examples:
- ...stared at him like a pack of feral animals... Ch 3 (pg 45)
- ...but he's strong as an ox. Ch 8 (pg 121)
- That word was poison..... Ch 3 (pg 43)
- His filly in a race, his dog in a fight. Ch 5 (pg 68)
- "He's not the brightest star in the Dipper...? Ch 8 (pg 121)
These may have been hard to find until you start reading next week.
Take a vocabulary test using Quizlet.
Make these nouns possessive.