Magic Dust: Hot Buttered Toast with Marmalade

Estimated Time: 15+ minutes

Paddington loves marmalade and Mrs. Bird makes him a snack. Today, we're going to have a lot of fun making Hot Buttered Toast with Marmalade. 

For this project, you will need:

  • Bread (1 or 2 slices per person)
  • Butter
  • Marmalade (this is a special kind of jam made from oranges)
  • A toaster
  • A butter knife (ask an adult for help if you need it)
  • A plate

Steps to Make Your Hot Buttered Toast with Marmalade:

  1. Ask for Help: First, ask an adult to help you, especially with the toaster and spreading the butter.
  2. Toast Your Bread: Put your bread in the toaster. Wait for it to pop up when it's nice and golden. If you don't have a toaster, an adult can help you toast it in a pan over the stove.
  3. Butter Your Toast: While your toast is still warm, take your butter knife and spread some butter on top. Watch it melt into your toast, making it soft and yummy.
  4. Add the Marmalade: Now, take your marmalade and spread it over the butter. You can put as much as you like. If you've never tried marmalade before, start with a little and taste it.
  5. Cut Your Toast: You can cut your toast into squares, triangles, or even leave it as it is. Paddington likes his toast in squares, but it's up to you!
  6. Eat! Now comes the best part. Take a bite of your hot buttered toast with marmalade, and imagine you're sharing a snack with Paddington. How does it taste?

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