Give your teen a reason to get excited about history with a no prep solution!
Does the idea of teaching high school to your teen intimidate you?
Did you know that high school students need 140 hours of instruction to receive one credit?
Are you aware that 72% of middle and high school students use outside courses for homeschool (online, local classes, etc.)?
Hi, I'm Dachelle.
I'm the owner of Literary Adventures for Kids and I want to help you to teach high school in a way that is easy for you and fun for your teen.
Don't let the idea of teaching high school intimidate you. We've done all the work for you!
It's scary! The whole idea of homeschooling high school can be intimidating.
Can I teach high school without a teaching degree?
Will my kids be able to graduate?
Will they be prepared for college... or life?
Yes, teaching high school is a little scary... especially if it's a subject that makes you uncomfortable. When my oldest started high school I planned, researched, and panicked. How could I possibly teach all these subjects? I hadn't had some of these classes in 20 years!
That's when I had the brilliant idea to turn over some of these responsibilities to someone else so I could focus on other parts of our homeschool. So, I hired out the subjects that scared me. I enrolled my son in class and I relaxed.
Let us take the stress out of high school curriculum!
Finding a course that your kids like and will check off the boxes on your high school course list can be hard! And, creating a high school course that works for your student and you can be simply exhausting!
And, don't get me started on "Is it enough for a high school credit?"!
So, you end up giving up and deciding you can’t possibly homeschool high school.
You miss out on great opportunities for your student and you start to feel like a failure.
Teach your kids history in a way that is engaging and fun!
Let Literary Adventures for Kids put a halt to those doubts. You CAN provide your teen with a full history course they can work on independently. And, you can have peace of mind.
We’ve created a unit study that not only meets the requirements for a high school credit, but is also fun and interesting for your teen.
Let me introduce you to our Study of Japan for Teens, the unit study that teaches your children about a beautiful and rich culture around the world and qualifies for a full year of high school history.
The unit study approach doesn't just apply to elementary school!
*Do you need a high school level history course that doesn’t require a lot of preparation?
*Are you looking for a history course that isn’t boring and is intriguing for your teen?
*Would you like a high school course that you can pay one price for and use for all of your children over the years?
*Do you need an easy button for high school?
Give your teen the gift of owning their education!
I remember the first year of homeschooling high school. It started out as an unprecedented disaster. I knew I could teach high school (I was a previous high school teacher), but I only taught one area of education to 6 classrooms of teens.
Now, I had to teach ALL the subjects to this one hormonal person who was already convinced he was smarter than me.
That’s when I realized that the way I had previously taught high school wasn’t going to work… and it didn’t need to work. Homeschooling gave us the freedom to do things differently.
One of those things was to give my teen his independence. I would still direct him with great books, but I would supplement with interesting videos. I introduced him to the art of the rabbit trail and gave him the tools he needed to become his own teacher.
This method taught him to be a life-long learner and to take charge of his education.
Homeschool mama, don't despair. We're here to help!
Don't panic about teaching high school!
Our course provides an entire year's worth of history curriculum that teaches all the elements you need for a successful year. You don't have to do any of the work. It's all done for you.
Don't spend a fortune on an expensive history curriculum your teen hates.
So many history courses cost hundreds of dollars and at the end of the day the kids are bored, mom is frustrated, and everyone is ready to throw the book out the window. Our course is inexpensive and fun. (Plus, you can't really throw an online course through the window.)
The Answer to your History Curriculum Worries:
Our new course:
A Study of Japan for Teens
Our new course, A Study of Japan for Teens, adds all the elements you need for a history curriculum your student will love. Take a look inside!
Ready to check out a sample of all this course has to offer?
Just click on the blue PREVIEW buttons below and take a sneak peek of the course.
A Study of Japan Curriculum
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Connections to Art
- Week 1: Connections to History
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Connections to History
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Geography
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice & Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Link to Modernity
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Biography
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice & Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Biography
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Connections to History
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice & Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Connections to History
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice & Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Link to Modernity
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Connections to History
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice and Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Biography
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice and Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Link to Modernity
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Connections to History
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice & Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Biography
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Biography
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice & Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Biography
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Connections to History
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice & Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Biography
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Biography
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice & Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 1
- Week 1: Read, Write, Learn - Section 2
- Week 1: Connections to History
- Week 1: Geography
- Week 1: Japanese Folktale
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 3
- Week 2: Read, Write, Learn - Section 4
- Week 2: Biography
- Week 2: Vocabulary Practice & Quiz
- Week 3: The Japanese Mind (3 days)
- Week 3: A Geek in Japan
This Unit Study:
- Covers the history of Japan from ancient times to present day
- Examines the Japanese culture and its influences
- Explores the geography of this small, but strong island
- Delves into the technology and pop-culture of the people
- Goes on rabbit trails about art, history, and modern economics of Japan and its fellow nations
- Is the equivalent of one year of high school history
It also covers important language arts skills like:
- Vocabulary
- FreeWriting
- Critical Thinking
- And, a final research project