A Letter To Parents on How to Use this Course

Important Notes:

About What Your Student Will Be Turning In:

Each chapter consists of 3 weeks of learning. During these weeks, your student will be turning in the following for your review:

  • Timelines with key dates recorded
  • Answers to the Learn questions in each section of the chapter
  • A summary of a traditional Japanese folktale
  • Results of their vocabulary quiz
  • Map of Japan with new cities and regions labeled in each chapter
  • Freewriting from the "Exploring Japanese Culture" sections of The Japanese Mind
  • Facts about connections to history and modernity, or biographies.

About the Age Level

This is a high school course. Much of the material has a high maturity level. We recommend this study for 11th-12th grade.

About Timelines

In this course, we reference events you can add to a timeline. Many homeschoolers take advantage of a historical timeline. If you already use a timeline, these dates will be helpful to you.

If you do not use a timeline, this article will help you understand the advantages of using one in your studies. You can download a simple timeline HERE. You will only need to print pages 57 - 93 for this study.

About The Answer Key

The answer key provided with this course is for the "Learn" portion of the lessons. Use the answer key to help you determine the student's knowledge of the material.

About The Freewriting

In this course, we use Freewriting to jumpstart the critical thinking process and get words flowing. Our goal with the writing projects is to help your student find their writing voice. Freewriting is an excellent tool you can learn more about in the article below.

The Freewriting Rules That Will Inspire A Reluctant Writer

'How did you get him to write? He never writes for me at home.' This and a few other questions and comments similar to it were directed at me at our last enrichment classes. At first, I demurred because that's what we Southerners do. Then I realized they were serious.

About The Final Project

A final project is included at the end of the course. The student may choose one of the options or request to submit a different project to you, the teacher. This project should take several days to complete.

About The Credit

This course is the equivalent of a year of high school course study. We recommend allocating a year of historical studies credit. However, you could add a grammar curriculum and count this as a year of language arts. We leave this to your discretion.

About The Certificate

Once the student has completed the course, they will receive a certificate. You may print this out for your records.

About Videos and Links

If a link is broken, please email me at [email protected], and I will correct it or find a suitable replacement as soon as possible.

If the video shows an ad, please understand that we do not control this. This is a product of using YouTube. If you feel the ads are inappropriate, you can turn on Restricted Mode.

© Hide The Chocolate's Literary Adventures for Kids

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